
Academic Journal Management


Do you manage an academic journal, or would you like to launch one? We understand how difficult it can be to launch, manage, and promote a successful high-impact journal which meets international academic standards and has a global audience of academics and professionals. This online workshop focuses on academic journal management. The course aims to enable editorial boards and academic journal owners to understand and identify how to improve the quality and impact of their publications. Participants will develop targeted plans for enabling their publications and articles to gain greater global credibility and generate higher impact. Expert content is combined with interactive exercises to build practical skills.


  •  Journal scope & leadership

  •  Research quality

  •  Writing quality

  •  Peer review essentials

  •  Publishing ethics

  •  Publishing logistics

  •  Visibility

  •  Indexing & impact

ماذا ستتعلم

1. Evaluate research methods and guide high-quality writing

2. Evaluate and ensure research originality and relevance

3. Refine scope and content to improve submissions and credibility

4. Identify and guide editorial boards and peer reviewers

5. Implement ethical practices

6. Manage production efficiently

7. Determine sustainable financial models

8. Avoid predatory practices

9. Develop and implement strategies for effective indexing and visibility

10. Identify and leverage collaboration and promotion opportunities

لمن هو

Journal editorial board members, institutional journal owners, and publishers looking to support the growth of journals they work with.


There is no preparatory work necessary for this course.





التعّلم عبر الإنترنت بقيادة خبراء



شهادة إتمام قابلة للتنزيل والمشاركة



تواصل معنّا

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